
SailPoint Roles are one or more entitlements club together.

In Role, we have more than one entitlements. more than one entitlement form a role in SailPoint IIQ.

Why need of SailPoint Roles

Roles are needed because there are so many entitlements are there and user can ask permissions on these entitlements but it will b very hectic and time consuming for that user to request for 15 entitlement (lets say) he needed.

so, we will form a role which contain all these 15 entitlements. Now user will have to request only for 1 role instead of 15 different requests. it will make life easy for both user and approver also.

Type of Roles in SailPoint

In Sailpoint, there are following types of roles

  • Organisation Roles
  • Business Roles
  • IT Roles



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